Inspire worldwide unity with love, support, and empowerment through artistry.

The Tree of Pride was created as a special gift for my son in 2021. He and his partner, have been extremely supportive of my art career; and my intention was to create the most special and unique gift, I could, for him. It was created with love in my heart to show my support.  He and his partner display the original piece of artwork in their beautiful home in Champaign, Illinois; and they continue to support my art in many, many ways.

The dimensions of the original artwork piece are 24” x 18”.  The tree was hand drawn using alcohol ink, and then the tree was painted with wax to produce the vibrant colors and textures. I decided to share this special piece of artwork in hopes to inspire worldwide unity with love, support, and empowerment through artistry.  

I hope The Tree of Pride makes it’s way into your heart! 💙